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Multi-narrative adaptation of Richard v. Krafft-Ebing's notorious medico-forensic study of sexual perversity.
Title : Psychopathia Sexualis
Year : 2006
Runtime : 102
Release Dates: 2006-06-08
Actors :
Kristi Casey | as | Blood Woman |
David Weber | as | Blood Man |
Zoe Cooper | as | Shepherdess |
Patrick Parker | as | Emil Fourquet (as Patrick L. Parker) |
David Sanders | as | Fourquet's Assistant |
Roger Foster | as | Farm Laborer |
Jason Hodges | as | Guard |
Steven Westdahl | as | Joseph Vacher |
Victor Lambert | as | Guard |
Adam K. Thompson | as | Journalist |
J. Marcelo Banderas | as | Corpse/Loiterer (as Marcelo Banderas) |
Ted Manson | as | Professor Krafft-Ebing |
Daniel Thomas May | as | J.H. |
Jane Bass | as | Mother |
Anne Towns | as | Maid 1 |
Jacob Gentry | as | Young priest |
Tracy Martin | as | Beleaguered prostitute |
Michael Hick | as | Poultry John |
Sandra L. Hughes | as | Madame |
Dorthea Bozicolona-Volpe | as | Lectrice |
William Wallace | as | Masked Patron |
Fred Welden | as | Masked Patron (as Arthur Welden) |
Bernard Setaro Clark | as | Masked Patron |
Adrian Roberts | as | Captain |
Rachel Sorsa Khoury | as | Veteran courtesan (as Rachel Sorsa) |
Sarah Falls | as | Novice courtesan |
Brad Brooks | as | Masochist |
Patricia French | as | Antoinette |
Daniel Pettrow | as | Xavier |
John D. Jaramillo | as | Apache dancer |
Jerilynn Bedingfield | as | Apache dancer |
Elroi L. Waszkiewicz | as | Loiterer |
Joey Boren | as | Loiterer |
Patrick Wood | as | Butcher |
Jennifer Caldwell | as | Asylum Warder (as Jen Caldwell) |
Mary Stewart | as | Asylum warder |
Sam Patton | as | Grath |
Kyle M. Hudson | as | Asylum patient |
Justin Welborn | as | Unruly patient |
Ron Goss | as | Asylum patient |
Bryan Davis | as | Dr. Goudron |
Roland Cheatham | as | Sanford |
Kathy Simmons | as | Duchess |
Matthew Stanton | as | Spy (as Matt Stanton) |
Christie Vozniak | as | Odalisque |
Rebecca Dutton | as | Naive courtesan |
Rob Nixon | as | Caglios |
Greg Thompson | as | The Baron |
Ashlyn DiNardo | as | Puppeteer's Daughter (as Anne-Marie Thomas) |
Shelby Hofer | as | The Baroness |
Tristan Towne | as | Maid 2 |
Pamela Tripp | as | Maid 3 |
Nuri Adams | as | Maid 4 |
Sally Shornick | as | Matron |
Bob Souvorin | as | Obstetrician |
Claire Brown | as | Dying woman |
David D. Doerrier | as | Dying Woman's Husband |
Alice Spencer | as | Dying Woman's Mother |
Lisa Paulsen | as | Lydia |
Steve Warren | as | Pere Lindstrom |
Veronika Duerr | as | Annabel Lindstrom |
Chris Burns | as | Family Friend |
Craig Tollis | as | Cadet |
Heather Starkel | as | Eleanor |
Steve Freer | as | Conductor |
Claire Bronson | as | Newlywed Wife 3 (deleted scenes) |
Bernie Clark | as | Brothel patron |
Oz Dillman | as | Stabbing victim (deleted scenes) |
Michael Dinardo | as | Sleepy child (deleted scenes) |
Sarah Falkenburg | as | Woman in white (deleted scenes) |
Luis R. Hernandez | as | Medical student |
Terence Jenkins | as | Physician (deleted scenes) |
Chris Kayser | as | Slum doctor (deleted scenes) |
Mary Kraft | as | Newlywed wife 1 (deleted scenes) |
Caroline Masclet | as | Newlywed wife 2 (deleted scenes) |
Kalina McCreery | as | Woman in white (deleted scenes) |
Dan Triandiflou | as | Newlywed husband 1 (deleted scenes) |
Constantine Varazo | as | Professor (uncredited) |
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Watch Psychopathia Sexualis Streaming Movie Downloader last night and it was superb. The set pieces are suitably awesome and the acting performances are uniformly excellent. The writer set out to deliver a fun story and that is exactly what it is. It draws you in from the first moments and does not let go. What more could you possibly want?
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