^][^ Madame X Streaming Movie Downloader

Madame X

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A woman married to a wealthy socialite, is compromised by the accidental death of a man who had been romantically pursuing her, and is forced by her mother-in-law to assume a new identity to save the reputation of her husband and infant son. She wanders the world, trying to forget her heartbreak with the aid of alcohol and unsavory men, eventually returning to the city of her downfall, where she murders a blackmailer who threatens to expose her past. Amazingly, she is represented at her murder trial by her now adult son, who is a public defender. Hoping to continue to protect her son, she refuses to give her real name and is known to the court as the defendant, "Madame X."

Title : Madame X

Year : 1966

Runtime : 100

Release Dates: 1966-01-01


Actors :

Lana TurnerasHolly Parker
John ForsytheasClayton Anderson
Ricardo MontalbanasPhil Benton
Burgess MeredithasDan Sullivan
John van DreelenasChristian Torben
Virginia GreyasMimsy
Warren StevensasMichael Spalding

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Watch Madame X Streaming Movie Downloader last night and it was superb. The set pieces are suitably awesome and the acting performances are uniformly excellent. The writer set out to deliver a fun story and that is exactly what it is. It draws you in from the first moments and does not let go. What more could you possibly want?


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